BulletMap for Dyslexia
BulletMap Academy was started by Darius Namdaran to teach children and adults with dyslexia the BulletMap System of visual organization. Darius is dyslexic and used BulletMapping in law school and for business. When his daughter was struggling with dyslexia in high school, he began to teach her his system. Now, he is teaching children and adults worldwide with dyslexia how to BulletMap!
Darius has shared his perspective on life with dyslexia in a number of YouTube videos. One of the most popular videos is about how being dyslexic is like driving a stick shift car. Darius lives in Scotland, and demonstrates dyslexia in a very real manner- while driving around Edinburgh. Many of my students in the U.S. were a bit thrown off by his accent and the roads…and the stick shift car!
Another very popular post describes a day in the life of John, a teenager with dyslexia. This story is modeled on Darius’ own life, and how BulletMapping changed his life. Darius was diagnosed with dyslexia in college, but went on to graduate from law school with the help of BulletMaps.